Avoiding your bookkeeping?

I mean, why bother? It isn’t tax season!

But are you struggling to earn more money?

Is your to-do list growing faster than your income?
Are you feeling overworked with no idea how to pull yourself out of this rut?

Be Honest. Do These Thoughts Seem Familiar?

“If I work hard enough, the numbers will take care of themselves!”

“I’m busy running a business – I can’t bother with this now.

“Oh no! That receipt went missing. Ah well, my bank statement should be good enough…”

“I have no idea what these numbers mean.”

“I’m living my dream! But I’m afraid it’s going to fail…”

Truth – 50% of small businesses fail within their first five years, but it has nothing to do with their income.  


The most successful entrepreneurs prioritize their bookkeeping. They know they need ACCURATE and ORGANIZED records to grow their empire.

Bookkeeping is essential for all entrepreneurs, but especially if…

» You want to earn a good salary.

» You want your business to work FOR YOU, not the other way around!

» You want to make informed decisions about your future

» You want a good return on your investment, with DOUBLE and even TRIPLE profits.

With BKA's proven accounting system you can:

» Exceed your income goals without working harder

» Pay taxes on time without the last-minute headache

» Be effortlessly organized without hours of filing

» Control your financial future without late nights and lost sleep

Step 1: Book Your First Strategy Session

The BKA System starts with a Financial Strategy Session

Answers These Questions:

  • What’s your long-term plan for business growth?
  • How well are you meeting these goals?
  • Are their mistakes in your financial records?
  • Is you cash flow secure and efficient or is there room for improvement?

What you get:

  • One hour interview
  • 90 Day Action Plan for business growth
  • List of immediate & long-term financial concerns
  • Checklist to get ready for taxes
  • 1:1 walk through of your financial statements


Step Two: Cleanup and Training

Fell in love with you 90 Day Action Plan? Let us implement it for you!

Want to know our secret for getting rich and living carefree? Keep your business organized!

This little secret unlocks all other doors to success.

That’s why step two of the BKA System is making your money workflow fast, secure, and completely effortless with these virtual accounting tools.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to sign up for a million new things. BKA will setup this proven system and take care of training your team.

Solutions Delivered During Step Two

Quickbooks Setup & Training
Bookkeeping Cleanup
Bill Payment Automation
Click the blue button below and get started with a Financial Strategy Session.

Step Three: Customize Your Ongoing Services 

Head Over Heels So Far? Continue Working with Us!

Ongoing Clients Get Special Perks

All software subscriptions are purchased and updated by BKA. If an accounting tool makes your business better – we want you to have it. No question about it and no extra cost.

The best part? Every receipt, every invoice, and every statement will be filed in our secure, bank encrypted client portals. We keep this system running while you drink mojitos on the beach.

Imagine how easy your life will be?

Feel that sun on your face.

Go ahead, squish some sand beneath your toes.

It’s not too good to be true – clients really have called us from the beach before!

It all starts with a Financial Strategy Session. Click the blue button below and enjoy your freedom!


Why monthly strategy sessions?
Every BKA client gets 1:1 financial consults EVERY MONTH instead of every quarter. Why?



BKA clients are ambitious. They know quarterly planning is not enough to grow a company because the information presented is old. With monthly strategy sessions, BKA clients can react to situations in real time, adapt, and successfully meet their income goals BEFORE they have a bad quarter.

Furthermore, monthly strategy sessions keep you accountable to your budget. You can improve your own expertise by asking your money mentor questions. You’ll better evaluate business performance, quickly identify trends, and motivate your team.

How could your business improve with a monthly strategy session? Book your first strategy session and find out!

Why Cloud-Based Accounting?

Because BKA is hip and with the times.



Well ok, maybe our jokes aren’t but our accounting system is! With cloud-based software you not only get faster results, your financial information will be more secure. Computer hard drives can be lost or stolen. Paper files can be flooded or burned.

Cloud storage is also more convenient for you. Our shopping? Snap a picture and send BKA the receipt. Want to look over your financial reports? Log onto your portal and easily access the information you need. Everything is neatly organized and accessible at the click of a button.

If that’s not convincing enough, check out this blog post.

Other accountants don't make claims like you do. How do I know you can deliver?

You’re right. We can’t build an empire for you or turn you into a super successful millionaire.



We can, however, get you the information you need to do it yourself.

In fact, the more ambitious you are then the better we’ll get along. Our goal to help 3 million American retire rich by 2030 is also ambitious and we’re busy making it happen. Our specialty is therefore empowering busy business owners to do what they do best.

We do this by offering 1:1 financial consults EVERY MONTH instead of every quarter. Quarterly planning looks backwards. Monthly sessions look forward and allow you to adapt, strategize, and exceed your income goals.

We also offer done-for-you bookkeeping and accounting services. These services save you time AND give you the up-to-date information you need to lead a thriving company.

Finally, we keep our client list pretty exclusive. We never want to be so busy that we can’t give each and every client the individual attention their business deserves.

That’s why we ask everyone to start with our introductory Financial Strategy Session. This packages allow you to test our services before deciding to work with us further.

There are no contracts to sign, no term agreements, and no cancellation fees. If you ever stop loving what we’re doing, exercise your freedom and walk away.

What software do you use?

You can see all our favorite resources here.

Do you have free resources?

Yes! You can sign up for my free e-course here.

We also offer special discounts and free consults to our mailing list. Sign up now to get Katherine’s personal financial tips and tax reminders right in your inbox.

I’m worried about security. Do you work offline?

Short Answer: no, we don’t.


We moved to a cloud-based system specifically because we were concerned about security. Our esteemed leader Katherine didn’t like how much client information was being stored in her office.

Now, we partner with Smartvault to keep your data secure in digital vault. It’s more secure than most banks and can’t be lost or stolen.

As professional and licensed tax preparers, we also diligently research and test all software before we recommend it to you. We only work with companies that can offer that sweet, sweet 256-bit encryption financial institutions and government agencies require.

We even go the extra mile and have an encryption procedure on our own devices. For security reasons, we can’t go into details here but you are welcome to ask us at your first consult.

The bottom line is – we are here to make your business easier. If you can’t trust your accountnat to have your back, who can you trust?

Who You’ll Work With

Hi, I’m Katherine. Your friendly, honest, a little-too-enthusiastic, and a-lot-too-loud money mentor for creative entrepreneurs.

Not that long ago I was just like you. I had a big, scary dream and no idea how to make it happen.

I thought I was going to start my own theatre company. I was going to change the world and inspire millions with my art!

But that didn’t happen. My dream was too big and too scary. I gave up.

I accepted a bookkeeping job because it felt like no one else would have me. On my first day, my new boss welcomed me with this:

“You don’t need any skill or talent to do this job. I only hired someone because it’s too tedious to do myself.


Superstar, I NEVER want you to feel the way I did that day.

Because that boss was wrong. Bookkeeping is not boring and it’s not tedious. It is the lifeblood of a profitable company.

I soon realized that I had a knack for this “talentless” position and I started taking on my own clients. I worked with entrepreneurs that had grit and passion and faith their products would change lives.

Such entrepreneurs used my bookkeeping services to streamline product development, cut expenses, and make more money. It was amazing!

I realized I didn’t need a theatre company to make an impact. I could help small business owners find financial freedom and once they were free to do what they loved, they’d turn around and inspire millions more with their story. 

So, I quit that horrible boss who didn’t get it. One year later I had my own accounting firm.

That first boss has been through half a dozen bookkeepers since I left. His business is still struggling.

The clients I work with now are unstoppable…

I’m on a mission to help 3 million Americans retire rich by the year 2030 by helping creative entrepreneurs grow sustainable empires.

Use the blue button below, book your first Strategy Session, and join my movement.

How Are BKA Client’s Unstoppable?

» Instantly understand how well your business is (or isn’t) performing

» Easily identify trouble spots and develop strategies to combat them

» Instantly retrieve any old receipt, bill, or invoice and completely withstand an audit

» Feel confident you received your maximum tax deduction because EVERYTHING is accurately recorded

My Final Invitation To You

Every year, thousands of people start their own businesses.

The ones making an impact have accounting systems that allow them to expertly manage their finances and plan strategically to reach their millions.

So, it’s not about whether better bookkeeping can help your business. (It can, and successful entrepreneurs everywhere prove that.)

The real question is… Is the investment worth it to you?

Are you ready? Click the blue button and start building your empire with a Financial Strategy Session!